Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

and the

 Sharon Board of Selectmen


Joint Session—September 18, 2006

Approved by Wilber School Redevelopment Committee—October 4, 2006

Approved by Sharon Board of Selectmen—October 10, 2006



WSRC: Michael Baskin, David DePree, Ed Hershfield, Bob Levin, Marcia Liebman, Joel Tran, Greg Waugh


BOS: Bill Heitin, Joe Roach



Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. by David DePree.


Liebman reminded WSRC members to turn in their completed proposal evaluation worksheets used at last week’s meeting; according to Stephen Crane (citing Inspector General’s Procurement Manual, they need to be kept on file).


Liebman/Baskin moved to accept the minutes of September 11th as amended; unanimously approved.


Levin/Heitin moved to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing real property and adjourn without going back into open session; unanimously approved.


Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm.




Respectfully submitted,

Marcia C. Liebman